Sarah Kirkpatrick

Sarah Kirkpatrick Master ELDOA Instructor Franklin Method Toronto

Sarah is a caring, experienced teacher who’s love of problem solving has inspired her throughout her 8 years of teaching. A personal injury during her 20 years of formal dance training lead her to seek out the Pilates Method in order to rehabilitate her own body. Having been a student of Pilates for over 17 years, she has a strong understanding of the power of the exercises, and what they can accomplish when properly executed in a supportive and controlled environment. Ultimately, she is dedicated to helping each client meet their personal goals and feel healthy, strong, and confident in their own bodies. Sarah teaches the Mobility and ELDOA mat at Inhabit, as well as coaching students in equipment classes, and through private training. Sarah is a Master ELDOA Instructor having been Certified in ELDOA by Guy Voyer.

Sarah completed the Dianne Miller Teacher Training Program in 2006, followed by an extensive apprenticeship with Rucsandra Mitrea. She has continued to study Pilates and other specialized forms of body work including the Franklin Method with Morten Dithmer (Thorax, Psoas, Neck – 2012), Pilates Plus Psyche with Mary Bowen, Jungian Psychologist/Pilates Elder (2008 & 2006), ELDOA with Guy Voyer (2009), Myofascial Stretching with Carla Delange (2009), Auxiliary Ron Fletcher Towel Work (2001).